Floor Model Booklet Makers
Floor model booklet-makers can produce up to 100 page booklets in quantities of a few to thousands. In addition floor model bookletmakers can be placed in-line with collating and trimming equipment and square back systems.
Choose the product options firstProduce up to 88 page booklets at up to 1800 per hour!
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A powerful booklet maker with one pass stapling, folding, square spine forming and face trimming to produce added value SquareBack books!
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The PowerSquare is a single solution for books from 8 - 224 pages. No other book making system offers this flexibility.
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Add a perfect bound look to booklets
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Add value to your booklets; square the spine for the perfect bound look!
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Hand feed, saddle staple and squarefold in one pass.
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An entry level booklet making system that combines collating, saddle stapling and folding in one pass.
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This floor model booklet maker can produce up to 100 page booklets.