Punch & Bind Equipment


Brett offers a complete array of binding Equipment for all the popular binding methods including ring wire, plastic coil, comb binding and 3-hole punch. Choose from combo punch/bind systems to modular semi-automatic medium or heavy duty electric punches with interchangeable punch dies.  Production fully automatic systems also available.

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    One System for All Punch & Bind Methods; Coil, Wire, Comb & More!

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    This Heavy Duty Punch Will Punch Thousands of Sheets Automatically!

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    Interchange punch dies and add binding modules to produce all of the popular binding types; including ring wire, plastic spiral and plastic comb.

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    All-In-One Coil Binding System; Electric Punch, Insert and Cut-Crimp.

    • Punch up to 20 sheets of 20lb. bond
    • Bind up to 2" or 440 sheets of 20lb bond
    • Handles coil diameters from 6mm to 50mm
    • Punching length up to 23.4"


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    Production Wire Binding In A Bench-Top Configuration