In today’s digital print environment, it’s not enough to simply print a piece; it must be finished properly for a clean, professional look. A Creaser-Folder is a fully-automatic, user-friendly solution to solve the problem of cracking in toner-based digital prints. Utilizing a unique creasing blade and matrix, it compresses the fibers of the paper and image, virtually eliminating cracks on a creased or folded edge.
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Crease and Fold In One Pass!
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A stand alone air-suction feed knife folder to finish the job, perfect for anyone with an existing creasing machine or a multi-directional slitter/cutter/creaser.
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Crease and Fold in one pass!
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Quality high speed creasing and folding. DISCONTINUED See the new DigiFold Pro XL
Choose the product options firstCrease, Fold, Perforate and On EXTRA LONG Sheets!The DigiFold Pro XL can crease, fold and perforate in one pass and handle extra long sheets up to 15.2’’ x 27.6’’ (15.2 x 51’’with table extension option).